Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Daily Sunset Expanded

It's that time of year when the sun gets regular,
and settles in to an orange Summer basketball...
slam dunking in the evening warmth...
nothing but net.
It's the same every night.
So how do I make the usual...
My friend Chris told me to write a poem instead.
I had several good starts but it came back to the same thing,
it was always inadequate compared to...
The Truth.
here is the great poem that is the miracle of the sun.

93,000,000 miles away,
ninety three million,
not ninety four,
not ninety two,
but just exactly the right ninety three million
to enable life to flourish on the earth.
It is the impossibility of a controlled nuclear reaction,
it's exploding force kept at bay by the invisible arms
of gravity.
It emits particles that have no mass,
flung into the void...
traveling forever...
until such time as they run into something.
Like the leaves of trees and plants.
Now, these trees and plants...
have chlorophyll!
Chlorophyll reacts with those particles with no mass that have traveled all this distance and...
give off oxygen...
which all other life uses to stay alive.
with that in mind,
look at the sunset here,
and tell me tonight's is the same as the one from yesterday,
and tell me...
this isn't an endless miracle.

Oh yeah,

and I like being barefoot!

(Just in case you were wondering...

I mean you might be wondering!)


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