Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Daily Sunset Nov. 30, 2005

The really special thing about tonight's sunset
can't be determined visually.
It's the fact that I got home in time to see it...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Daily Sunset (just not from today) Nov. 29, 2005

Playing with the white balance on my camera.

Taken Sept. 12, 2005

Monday, November 28, 2005

The Daily (mostly) Sunset Nov. 28, 2005

I escaped from work early so I could take this.
I Barely made it but at least I was here for the ending.
Thank You Lord for another day!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Daily Sunset Nov. 27, 2005

Not a cloud in the sky all day until just now to give the sunset some shape.
A sparkling clear barefoot day.
Frankie doing Tai-Chi on the rail.
Here's one with a special effects mode on my camera.

Friday, November 25, 2005

The Daily Sunset Nov. 25, 2005

No sunset tonight so here's one from Wednesday.
This is 814 reflecting the sunset colors taken with my feet in the sand and the ocean to my back.
My place is the one on the top to the right,
directly over the cab of the red pickup.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving Sunset 2005

Thank You Lord for giving all of this to me.
I'm forever grateful!

Here's Ray on his way out to the edge of the beach

pretending to take a picture,

while he checks out a girl that you can't see.

And guess what kind of weather it is at the beach?

Right, barefoot weather

Me holding in my gut so I can take a picture of my feet...

bare feet...and it's Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Daily Sunset Thanksgiving Eve 2005

Two sunsets for tonight because I missed
a couple of days.
The one above taken from my front door,
the one below with my feet in the water...
And it's still barefoot weather.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Daily Sunset Nov. 20, 2005

If you look at the seagulls you will see that they are all flying
in opposite directions. They sort of swirl along like this all helter
skelter but all move in a common direction as a flock.

It's warmer now than it was in August.
Sure am glad that I'm not in Massechusetts right now.

The Daily Sunset Nov. 19, 2005

To Surf or not To Surf?
Is that a question?
Corey, Hefe and friend checkin' it out.

Seagulls racing for home before dark.

Friday, November 18, 2005

The Daily Sunset Nov. 18, 2005

El Hefe surfin' the sunset.

Wonder upon wonder,
night after night,
and thanking You Lord,
for the gift of sight.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Daily Sunset Nov. 17, 2005

Here's a blazing pyramid. I think that I would like a hat like that.
My son thought that I should use the picture below but I thought the one above was the pic of the day

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Daily Sunset Recovers Nov. 16, 2005

Here sits a reminder,

of cherished friends.

A Psalm on a rock,

and a prayer...

Tonight was perfection in orange.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Daily Sunset Nov. 1, 2005

Now that's what I call "afterglow"!

The Daily Sunset Nov. 5, 2005

Here's one of the retro pics. Interesting clouds.

The Daily Sunset Resumes Nov. 6, 2005

Fun with computer problems put me behind but here is today's and then I'll retro load some of the past couple of days.