Monday, October 31, 2005

The Daily Sunset Oct. 31, 2005

A strange thing happened to the camera as I took a picture of the sunset tonight.
Must be goblins!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Daily Sunset Oct 30 2005

Deep sigh!

I take a deep breath and let it out...all my tensions leaving me...Idyll

Last Night's Sunset Oct. 29, 2005

Arrrrr, Captain, the Americans have found us.

Tall ship day out front. 2005 or 1805?

Ahhhhhh, thank you Lord for another day. For allowing me to live from sunrise to sunset. For You to have created such a beautiful place and that You allow me to be alive to enjoy it. Thank You!!

Friday, October 28, 2005

The Daily Sunset

This was one of those perfect nights that comes along every now and then. The evening colors after the sun had set, the steel gray of the ocean water. We're having a Santa Ana condition which is sort of the SoCal version of Indian Summer. The air is warm and Venus is bright in the evening sky...

And it's still barefoot weather...

This kind of night always makes me want to make love to a woman. Something stirs in my soul with the movement of the sweet night air...

And it's still barefoot weather...

I missed the sunset proper because I was visiting with my neighbor, James. We are like a big family here and we never lack for company...

And it's still barefoot weather...

I listen to the ocean and peace alights upon my heart, a dove of contentment, the rythum of the ocean moving with with ever present cetainty that God loves me...

And it's still barefoot weather!

Live long and prosper...always,

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Daily Sunset 10/27/50

Here is our logo. It's indicative of the theme of The 814 and the people as well. We're all a little broken when we get here but then the beauty of the beach takes us over and viola!...we're mended and whole again.

Take care! Be well!

Last Night's Sunset

There wasn't any sunset last night so here's my favorite of the one's that I've my front yard?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Daily Sunset

This is from the 26th of last month. I was busy repairing my network connection and missed tonight's sunset.

I always like to give thanks to God for letting me have another day. Thanks in the morning, thanks at the sunset and thanks the last thing at night. Just look at the picture. How could I not!

Monday, October 24, 2005

The Daily Sunset

First of all welcome to my site and thank you for stopping by.

This is the first in my series that I'll call The Daily Sunset. It kind of sounds like the name of a newspaper and I kind of like that. The Daily Sunset...home of a mild mannered reporter and so on.

These pictures are all taken out front of my home on the beach. I never seem to stray much up and down The Strand so it's kind of like an evolving year as the sun progresses in it's seasonal trajectory through my range of vision.

On Winter days when the lowering skies obscure my view I will post a sunset from another time.

I don't know what else to say at this point except...enjoy the sunset.

Love Always,

Friday, October 21, 2005

The 814

Testing again

Monday, October 17, 2005

This was a heck of a lot to do just to comment on another blogspot.

I realize that a few things might be necessary to satisfy some blog geeks rules and regs and I can see the point of not having anonymous posts but this was a little bit much just so's I can post a comment on a friend's blog.