Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Daily Sunset Expanded

It's that time of year when the sun gets regular,
and settles in to an orange Summer basketball...
slam dunking in the evening warmth...
nothing but net.
It's the same every night.
So how do I make the usual...
My friend Chris told me to write a poem instead.
I had several good starts but it came back to the same thing,
it was always inadequate compared to...
The Truth.
here is the great poem that is the miracle of the sun.

93,000,000 miles away,
ninety three million,
not ninety four,
not ninety two,
but just exactly the right ninety three million
to enable life to flourish on the earth.
It is the impossibility of a controlled nuclear reaction,
it's exploding force kept at bay by the invisible arms
of gravity.
It emits particles that have no mass,
flung into the void...
traveling forever...
until such time as they run into something.
Like the leaves of trees and plants.
Now, these trees and plants...
have chlorophyll!
Chlorophyll reacts with those particles with no mass that have traveled all this distance and...
give off oxygen...
which all other life uses to stay alive.
with that in mind,
look at the sunset here,
and tell me tonight's is the same as the one from yesterday,
and tell me...
this isn't an endless miracle.

Oh yeah,

and I like being barefoot!

(Just in case you were wondering...

I mean you might be wondering!)

Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Daily Sunset May 28, 2006

A couple of good ones from tonight.
Not bad for thinking that we were going to have gray skies all weekend.
Here's a gull cruisin' home,

and one of my son.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Daily Sunset May 27, 2006

The sun as a Tootsie Roll Pop.
Been windy all day but the sun is migrating North
for the Summer.
Here's the 814 caught in a good moment.

How is it that life can be so joyful and full of wonder...

and yet be so hard and so often sad...

at the same time.

I love you.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Daily Sunset Catchin' Up May 23&24, 2006

Retro pics from the 23rd and the 24th
One night was cold and sunny...
the other warm and sunny...
I don't remember which was which...
I liked them the same.

Here's a hug in case you're reading this all the way to the bottom...

Thank you!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A Miracle Beyond the Sunset at The 814

How do I describe
the joy of the sunset that night?
It was a miracle in and of itself.
The weather was cloudy and windy the day before,
cloudy and stormy the day after,
but this day The Lord smiled upon us,
as he gave two people His most special blessing.
This is a story of true love.
It's the story of Jennifer and James...
James my beloved brother,
and Jennifer, the daughter I never had.
They met here at The 814,
two people not looking
but finding
each other.
I watched them from rocky beginnings,
like magnets,
now attracting,
now repelling,
now circling,
unable to resist,
and yet unsure.
Then a yielding,
to the overwealming necessity
of their joy
in being together...
and so decided to marry...
on this day,
this sparkling day,
with the water clear and pure,
The Lord's hand created,
this backdrop for their love...
right out front...
Thank You Jesus!

They met at The 814,
fell in love at the 814,
got married at the 814
by Ryan (with the beard)
who used to live...
at the 814.
It's very special here.
And so dear readers I present to you...

Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson!

Now, if I can just convince them to name the baby...

Eight One Four!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Daily Non-Sunset May 17, 2006

A new chapter in the 814 saga...
my roomie's own recipie...
814 Ale.
Imagine that!
at the 814!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Daily Sunset May 29, 2005 (A year ago)

A couple of good ones...
found among...
the cobwebs of my scattered archives... kind of reminds be a little of...
my memory bank.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Daily Sunset May 14, 2006

First, this isn't a picture from May 14th. It's from last night's sunset
but I had already labled everything for the 14th so I left it that way.
I always try to frame my scenes so that it gives the illusion
that they could be from any island in the South Pacific.
It's not always easy.
Here's an example.
The framing is what I wanted but the boy with the long stick was
in the shot in some form or another no matter how much I tried to keep him out.
Finally his little brother got the stick from him and ran off down the beach...
thank you!
Here's another example of "stuff in the way."
The lamp is okay but the volleyball poles could be disposed of.

I'll have to sharpen my Photoshop skills.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Daily Sunset May 09, 2006

An even sunset tonight...
nothing special except...
the company.
This is Jen n' James...
they met here last Spring...
and then...

true love was born...

and a family too.

I love them very much.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Daily Sunset May 07, 2006

Just two tonight...
Come on Summer!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Daily Sunset May 05,2006

Just one tonight.
At the bottom right you can see the rain on the horizon.
It swallowed up the last of the setting.
But that's okay,
at least there was some.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Daily Sunset May 4, 2006

It was a good one tonight.

It's amazing sometimes to see what pictures my camera takes.

The Lord smiling at me through the clouds.Metaphorically speaking of course.

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Daily Sunset May 01, 2006

No sunset tonight...
I mean, there was one but,
It was on the other side of the marine layer,
which has nothing to do with the military.
here is one from a while back that I would have used but the horizon was crooked.
Enter photo tools.
It was a good evening to be fishin'.